Wallace House (Cheltenham) Fund Raising Event

Andy Selby
Andy Selby
On Tuesday January 21 Mike was invited along to a fund raising event being held at Wallace House, a sheltered housing complex, in Cheltenham, in aid of Diabetes UK. The event was organised by Andy Selby, a resident at Wallace House. Also invited along was Debra Reeves, who runs the Healthy Feet Mobile Clinic in Cheltenham.

It took the form of a small bring & buy sale, raffle and refreshments.   Mike also gave a brief overview of Diabetes and its causes and risk factors and of course what support the Glevum Group can give. Debra  gave a brief talk on foot care and offered to check the feet of those attending.

The morning was very successful, with a total of £110.00 being raised; to be split between Diabetes UK and the Glevum Voluntary Group.

Mike would like to thank Andy for organising the event and also all those who attended and made it so successful.

The raffle in progress
The raffle in progress