Diabetes UK/Tesco’s Big Collection Weekend 2014


After the great success of last Octobers Diabetes UK/Tesco’s Big Collection Weekend, another one has been organised for the weekend of 13 – 15 June 2014.   Once again the Glevum Group will be collecting at the St Oswald’s store in Gloucester, where hopefully we can beat last year’s total collected of £1305.00.  Mike Broome will again be the “Team Leader” and co-ordinate the weekend activities at the store.

The first thing of course is to seek volunteers to help over the weekend, so here is your chance to help try and improve on last year’s total and raise a significant amount of funds that Diabetes UK can use in support of those with diabetes and research into the causes and effects of the diabetes.

Norman, Pat and Michelle
Norman, Pat and Michelle Douse collecting in October 13.

If you or any of your family and friends can spare some time on any of the collection days, please volunteer and support the cause. You will need to register to help, this being required for insurance and administrative reason, if you are not registered, I’m afraid you cannot help.

The easiest way to volunteer is online at  Big Collection Registration and follow the on screen  instructions. It is quite a simple procedure and should only take a two or three minutes. After registration you will receive two emails from a company called “Eventbrite”, they are providing the registration site to Diabetes UK for free. The first email will be a registration confirmation; the second is an explanation about Eventbrite.

If you do not have access to the internet, please contact Mike and he will sort out your registration. The following information is required for registering online or if you want Mike to register you. A separate registration is required for each person.

Required registration information:

1. No of sessions to volunteer for.

2. Name, address and contact details (email/mobile no) If you do not want to be contacted by Diabetes UK, tick the opt out box. If you do not have a mobile number, enter None.

3. Day/time of session(s). Please let Mike know what shift(s) or other times you would like to help  by listing them in the “Is there anything that you would like to tell your Team Leader?” section.  

Whilst collection times are flexible,  Mike is trying to stick to 3 hours shifts (see below), as we did last year, to make the organising a little easier. However any time you can help is appreciated and can be accommodated.

4th & 5th (Friday & Saturday): 9am – 12pm, 12pm – 3pm, 3pm – 6pm.

6th (Sunday): 10am – 1pm, 1pm – 4pm.

Children can be brought along, you will need to enter their name when registering, but please remember three hours can be a long time!

Ideally there will be at least three volunteers per session and the collection will take place under cover in the outer foyer of the store.  We will have chairs and a table for diabetes and Group leaflets.  Mike will notify all the volunteers of the exact details of the collection weekend nearer the time.

If you have any queries or questions at all, please let Mike know.

Please help if you can, after all, three hours is not a lot of time really.