For our April meeting we had a very interesting and educational talk by Di Kalus, a retired Diabetes Specialist Nurse who is now a diabetes education trainer.
Di started the evening of with a quiz, having split us into threes, on identifying famous people with diabetes, which caused a few comments along the lines of “I never knew they had diabetes” Some of those that surprised me were Tom Hanks (T2), Jimmy Tarbuck(T2), Halle Berry (T1), Sharon Stone(T1) and Andrew lloyd-Webber(T2). Which only goes to prove that having diabetes is no bar to reaching the top!
After the quiz Di covered the issue of Hypos, with each team being given a different area to discuss and identify the relevant points. These were
1. What are the symptoms and signs of a Hypo.
2. How should a Hypo be treated.
3. What food/drinks were good for treating a Hypo.
These subjects provided lively discussions amongst the teams, with all the teams coming up with most of the right answers and suggestions, which is good to know.
However for those of us who have been fortunate not to knowingly suffer a Hypo, it was very educational in finding out all about them.
The evening finished off with a short question and answer session.
I would like to thank Di for giving up her time to come and talk to the group and provide a very entertaining evening.