The Group received a request from the Winchcombe Medical Centre to take part in a Diabetes Event they were organising on the evening of Tuesday 14 April. The Committee were more than happy to agree to this and Mike Broome & Bob Watford went along to set up our stall. Also in attendance were various diabetes specialist healthcare professionals including podiatry, eye care and dietitians.

The aim of the evening to to raise awareness of diabetes in the area and advise those attending how to recognise the risk factors and symptoms of the condition, and what to do to reduce the risks. Also for those who already have diabetes to advise on how they can improve their diabetes control.
The evening was a success with a good number of people coming in to find out more about diabetes.
Mike & Bob would like to thank Roy Tustin and John Collyer who organised the event and also ladies who kept us supplied with tea and coffee and also supplied an excellent buffet supper for those taking part.