On Thursday 1 Sep John Gould, a group member and Mike Broome were invited to take part in an Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group Diabetes Type 2 Workshop at the Star College Ullenwood, near Gloucester as representing the patient view. Also present was Mel Preston Chair of the Forest of Dean Support Group. The remaining delegates were healthcare professionals ranging from senior diabetes consultants, GPs, DSNs, podiatrists, diabetes researchers, dieticians, managers from the CCG & NHS trust and others with a professional interest in diabetes.
The workshops aim was to review the current pathway (i.e. how the services work for patients with type 2 diabetes currently). It consisted of presentations which reviewed current services and costs and also looked at what the picture of diabetes will be like in future (i.e. predicted increasing levels of type 2 diabetes). It then went on to look at current services in much more detail and ask:
- What works well?
- What could be improved?
- Are we doing enough about prevention?
- How does it feel for patients?
- What do others do?
- What should we do in the future?
- Do we do enough for minorities?
Hopefully the workshop highlighted the things that need to be worked on in the future into projects and hopefully drives diabetes care & treatment in the county in the right direction.