June 17 Meeting – Ian Elphick – Robinswood Hill Country Park

For the June meeting Ian Elphick, a Senior Countryside Ranger from the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust,

Beacon & trig point on Robinswood Hill
Beacon & trig point on Robinswood Hill

based at the Robinswood Hill Country  Park in Gloucester,  gave a very interesting talk on the work of the Wildlife Trust in its efforts to preserve as much of the flora and fauna of Gloucestershire as possible, including details of what to see at many of its nature reserve site in the county.

He also mentioned that at the Robinswood Hill site they run landrover trips to the top of the hill for those with mobility difficulties at various times through the year and that he would let us know when the next trips would be.

View over Gloucester from the top of Robinswood Hill
View over Gloucester from the top of Robinswood Hill

Those present enjoyed the talk and we would like to thank Ian for coming along.