About Our Committee

The Committee

The committee is made up of group members who all kindly volunteer their time to make sure the Gloucester Diabetes UK Group continues to run and give support to all it’s members.

Mike Coombs – Chair

Mike Coombs – Committee Member
Mike Coombs

Mike is Chair of the Committee.  Email:  chair@diabetesglos.org.uk

Bob Watford – Treasurer

Bob Watford
Bob Watford

It is with much sadness that we have been informed that Bob Watford, the Groups long standing Treasurer passed away on the 2nd December 2024.   Our thoughts and condolences are with Bobs family and friends, he will be very much missed by all in the Group.

Jay McCaffery – Secretary

Jay McCaffery - Secretary
Jay McCaffery – Secretary

Jay is the Group Secretary. Email: secretary@diabetesglos.org.uk Tel: 07518248908

Kevin Powell – Committee Member

Kevin Powell – Committee Member
Kevin Powell

Kevin is a committee member with no specific role, but helps out wherever they can.