Unfortunately the three local councillors who were due to speak at our April meeting were unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances, although we hope to have then come along later in the year. However we did have two speakers, first Natasha Scott for Gloucestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and then myself with a Photo Quiz.
Natasha came along to talk about a new Diabetes Footcare Project the CCG are setting up. The aim of the project is to ensure patients requiring footcare are referred to the right people at the right time. It will help supporting GPs and their patients in managing potential footcare complications early on, thereby improving their quality of life and hopefully prevent symptoms getting worse and equally further clinical intervention.
Natasha explained a little about the project and then handed out a short questionnaire and asked those present if they would be prepared to fill it in thereby helping gather background information for the project. Also people could volunteer to be contacted by the CCG for further involvement in the project and commencer on its progress.
If you would like to help by completing the questionnaire, a copy can be downloaded here: Footcare Form and then forwarded to Natasha as indicated of the questionnaire.
After Natashas talk, I “entertained” everyone with a Photo Quiz entitled Glorious Gloucestershire. It was just for fun and challenged those present to see how well they knew their home county by having to try and identify various places I had photographed. I also imparted a few facts about each location that I had researched on the internet, I’ m not that knowledgeable about Gloucestershire!
A sample photo below

Click here for answer: Photo Answer