The group were recently invited to attend a Diabetes Awareness Day at St Oswolds Village in Gloucester. St Oswolds is a retirement “village” for the over 55s that offers care appropriate to individual needs, and an environment of supported independence where residents can take enjoy the social and leisure facilities available.

The day was organised by Anne Donaldson, the villages Wellbeing Advisor, and was designed to raise awareness of Diabetes among the residents. Mike Broome ( Committee Chair)and Graham Territt (Committee member) attended from the group and set up their stall in pole position amongst the other organisations who had also been invited.
The day was a great success, with many people stopping to chat, some already having Diabetes and others who just wanted to find out more about the illness and what they should do to lower the risk of developing the condition.
Anne also asked if it would be possible for the group to hold occasional meetings at the village (in addition to our existing monthly meetings) for its residents. Mike will discuss this with the Committee and Group, but thought it was a good idea.
Also several contacts were made with some of the other organisations present, such as Age UK (Gloucestershire) and the Gloucestershire Village & Community Agents, who provide older people in the county with easier access to information and services.
Mike & Graham enjoyed the day and look forward to the group hopefully returning in the future.