As part of its charity partnership with Tesco’s for this year, Diabetes UK had arranged for collections to take place in Tesco’s stores throughout the UK. It was decided that the Group would participate in the collection, and Mike Broome volunteered as the Team Leader to collect at the St Oswald’s store in Gloucester. Twelve group members volunteered, as well as seven volunteers from the general public, as the event was publicised country wide by Diabetes UK. The collection took place from Friday 4 Oct to Sunday 6 Oct, with three shifts of 3 hours on Friday & Saturday and two shifts on Sunday (early closing), with three people per shift.
As well as collecting, we also wanted to raise awareness of diabetes and the existence of the Group; therefore we had a table with all our information leaflets on. Quite a few shoppers stopped to talk about their experiences with diabetes or to ask questions. We answered the non medical questions to the best of our ability and suggested they contact their GP for medical advice.
The weekend was very successful, and all who took part enjoyed themselves, especially the two children who took part, of course under the close supervision of their mums. This was of course helped by the weather which was warm and sunny most of the time, so much so that coats and jumpers were cast off whilst we enjoyed the unseasonal weather.
The magnificent total of £1305.00 was raised, and this money will go to Diabetes UK so they can carry on with their research projects and continue to support diabetics throughout the UK.
Mike would like to thank the Tesco’s staff, in particular Bob Granville, the store Community Support Rep for their assistance over the weekend. However, above all, thanks to the following volunteers, without whose generosity in giving up their valuable time and their positive, friendly approach to those donating, the collection would not have been possible or as successful:
- Ros Gibbs
- Richard Parnell – 3 shifts!
- Natalie Green
- Sarah Gibbons and daughter Rose
- Bob Granvill
- Verity Dillinghham and daughter Grace
- Charlotte Gibbons
- Tina Power
- Jane Broome – 2 shifts
- Graham Terret – 2 shifts
- Jo Kelly
- Norman & Pat Douse
- Michelle Douse
- Len Evans
- Mike Coombs
- Margaret Skinner
- Kevin Powell