The Groups Annual General Meeting was held during the April Meeting, of which the minutes, including the Chair’s & Treasure’s reports, have been sent to all members.
Elections took place for the Group Committee. Campbell Boggon stood down as Treasurer and Mike Broome stood down as Chair. Bob Watford volunteered to take over the Treasurer’s role and Jo Kelly volunteered to become a Committee member. As there were no other candidates, and no objections to their nominations, they were voted on to the Committee. The other existing Committee members put themselves up for re-election, and again were accepted by a unanimous vote. Although Mike B stood down as Chair, as no one has volunteered to take up the post, Mike has agreed to carry on for another year. Therefore the new Committee comprises of:
- Chair
- Mike Broome
- Secretary
- Mike Broome
- Treasurer
- Bob Watford
- Vice Chair
- Mike Coombs
- Members
- Graham
- Terrett
- Kevin Powell
- Jo Kelly
Mike would like to welcome Bob and Jo to the Committee and thank them for volunteering. Also a very big thanks to Campbell Boggon, who stepped down as Treasurer, for all his support and hard work over the past few years.
After the AGM, Emma Alderwick , a Diabetic Specialist Nurse from the Community Specialist Diabetes Team gave a very interesting and informative on what those with diabetes should receive at their annual diabetes review. This is covered by the Diabetes UK 15 Health Care Essentials, If you aren’t getting all the care you need, take the checklist to your diabetes healthcare team and discuss it with them.
Emma explained in detail what each of the 15 Health Care Essential should involve, which stimulated some interesting debate about what some of those present do and do not receive! Which unfortunately only illustrated too well the inconsistent approach to diabetes care in doctor’s surgeries?
Visit Diabetes UK – 15 Essentials for more information