The Group was asked by Sue Gyles organiser of the Chatterbox Lunch Club, from the C3 Church based in The Pavilion, Cheltenham, if someone from the Group would be available to give a talk about diabetes.
Mike Broome volunteered and went along on Wed 7 Sep 16 to give a short presentation which explained what diabetes is, the risk factors, symptoms and a broad outline of how it is treated. He also covered what hypos are and how to deal with them and the support the Group and Diabetes UK can give to those with diabetes and their friends and families.
He also went through some of the common myths and misconceptions about diabetes. The most common being that those with diabetes cannot eat sugar, which we all know is not true (but of course it must be controlled!)
An interesting point was that this is the first talk Mike has given where none of the audience (around 20 – 25 people) had diabetes, although some did have family members with the condition.
The talk went well with many questions asked and a number of those present saying it had improved their understanding of diabetes. Mike would like to thank Sue and the lunch club members for inviting him along and also for the generous donation to the Group which, as always, is very much appreciated.