December 2016 Meeting – Christmas Party

Our December meeting and Christmas social was held on Wednesday 13 Dec.  It was a similar format

Eyes Down for the Quiz
Eyes Down for the Quiz

to previous years with all attending bring along some food & drink to share, and more importantly a large dose of Christmas Cheer.



Still Thinking!
Still Thinking!

We were again entertained by a quiz set by our resident quiz master Norman Douse, all enjoyed the quiz and had some fun trying to get some of the answers.  The eventual winners  Bob Watford (second year running!) Sally Worgan and myself, our prize being a small bottle of wine each.




We also had our traditional Christmas Raffle,  for which I must thank Mike & Chris Coombs for again donating a magnificent hamper for the raffle.  One of the happiest winners was Margaret Skinner who claimed the large white cuddly polar bear.  Congratulations go to all the winners.



I think all who attended enjoyed the evening, and perhaps learnt a few things during the quiz!!