For our August meeting we had Dr Samantha Kuok from Saintbridge Surgery in Gloucester, come to give a very interesting and thought provoking talk on the benefits of a Low Carbohydrate Diet.
Dr Quok explained that a low-carb diet is one that restricts carbohydrates, such as those found in sugary foods, pasta root vegetables and bread. It is high in protein, fat and healthy vegetables.
She went on to explain that in her experience people with diabetes who followed these diets regained control of their diabetes and maintained the control without any other medical intervention. Also lost weight and in general felt much more active and healthier.
The whole issue of low carb diets is currently a controversial issue in the medical and dietary world and whilst the Group is not qualified to comment one way or the other on such diets, it would recommend that anyone considering such a course should first consult with their diabetes healthcare team.
Also the group would advise reading the Diabetes UK statement on low carb diets at: Diabetes UK Statement on Low Carb Diets